Adult Formation

Adults have a variety of options, from Sunday morning forum gatherings
to small groups, workshops, book studies, and retreats.

Recalling Our Story
A Sunday Series on the Heritage of All Saints Episcopal Church

    As part of the interim period of a church, we are encouraged to review the All Saints heritage. We take time to review how the congregation has been shaped and formed. Both corporate and individual, upon the foundation which the present rests. Understanding our heritage will help us look to the future.

Welcome, as we explore the beauty of creation and discover ways which we can best care for its health and longevity.

Join Randy Querry on Sundays in the Great Hall at 9 AM – 9:45 AM

Serving in Worship

Worship requires many hands and hearts and bodies to make
all the pieces come together effortlessly and smoothly, maybe you are called to serve in this way?

  • Usher – assist to prepare the worship space, welcome people into worship, count the number of people present, collect the offering, manage traffic to and from the altar table for communion and generally keep order flowing.
  • Verger – assist the clergy to prepare the worship space and the various individuals who are serving on that Sunday.  Making sure that everyone is present, and if not, substitutes are found to read, serve the chalice.
  • Lectors – read the scripture lessons from the Old and New Testaments and offer the prayers of the people.
  • Chalice Bearers – gather at the altar table for the Eucharistic prayer and serve the chalice to the congregation when we come forward to for communion.
  • Acolytes – keep the lights lit in the worship space, carry torches, the cross, and swing the thurible of incense whenever we have a special day in the church calendar.
  • Altar Guild – prepares the altar and chancel for every worship service so that the leaders and the congregation have everything they need to let worship unfold. They are a ministry that exists in the background, if they are doing their job well, you never even know they were there.
  • Music – Our music director, Jesse Ratcliffe, leads the community to make music with one voice at every worship service. If you would like to be a part of any of our ensembles,
    reach out to Jesse Ratcliffe,    at any time.

  • Child Care – With God as our center and parents as our partners, our ultimate goal is to come alongside you and begin to plant the seeds of faith in the hearts and minds of our youngest children. Our preschool / nursery are open from 8:30 am to 11:30 am on Sunday mornings.  You may pack a drink and snack (no peanuts, please)

    To get involved, email the church office at: