The Ministry of Outreach:
Love in Action

With whom are we being called into a deeper relationship? Who are our brothers and sisters? What gifts might we share with one another? How might we learn from each other? How is it that outreach transforms us, as individuals, as a church, and as a local and global community? These are some of the questions that guide and inform us in the ministry of outreach.

Community Outreach Drives

From September 25 to September 27 2024, thousands of communities in Western North Carolina (Asheville in particular) experienced catastrophic flooding as a result of Hurricane Helene.  Many there remain without electricity, water, gas, and cell/internet service.  If you’d like to make a monetary donation to assist those in need, consider Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD).  For more than 80 years, ERD has worked with an extensive network of faith-based and secular partners to provide emergency relief and long-term support in disasters.  Click the button below to donate.

Hurricane Helene Relief

Outreach for October
The Getting Ahead Program

The wonderful Getting Ahead community program that helps ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) individuals move from dependency to self‐sufficiency through education, self‐assessment, and mentoring experience.

The program guides Investigators (participants) through the process of assessing their own resources and how to build those resources as part of their move to self-sufficiency. Investigators create their own plan for a sustainable life, explore resources needed for sustainability, build healthy relationships with others, begin the process of writing their own future stories, and examine how they can change the legacy they leave to their families and community. This program is managed by the United Way of Frederick, with All Saints providing meals for some of the sessions. Our support facilitates a 16-week “kitchen table style” program to help people stabilize their situations and build resources to improve their lives.
Here’s where All Saints can help:

Sessions are held every other Tuesday evening, September through December, with help needed: 

  1. Providing meals for the Investigators, Facilitators, children and childcare providers (so that the Investigators don’t have to worry about childcare while participating)
  2. Plating the meals/serving the attendees. Packing up any extra food for the Investigators to take home. Two or three volunteers are needed for this. 

The Getting Ahead Program is held at the ERUCC (Evangelical Reformed, United Church of Christ), 15 West Church Street. Set-up begins at 5:15 pm, food is to be dropped off by 5:30 pm, and our assistance ends at around 6:15 pm. We are requesting ministries, families, or other groups of our All Saints community to coordinate amongst their groups to provide the meal (entrées, side dish, salad, dessert, or snacks) and/or assist with serving/clean-up. Previously we have had wonderful participation from families, groups and committees; the outpouring of this support was greatly appreciated by the Investigators and the United Way. One of the Facilitators said of All Saints, “We are amazed and humbled that people are taking time out of their busy lives to do this for people they do not even know.

We are grateful for the commitment of your members to help these individuals improve their quality of life.” If you want to help, have questions, or are interested in assisting with managing this program, please contact Katy Ackland ( ) or Betty Briese-Ludwig ( ). Ministry leaders - be on the lookout for a call or email to request your team’s help with this important opportunity.

Thank you in advance for your support!