The Ministry of Outreach:
Love in Action

With whom are we being called into a deeper relationship? Who are our brothers and sisters? What gifts might we share with one another? How might we learn from each other? How is it that outreach transforms us, as individuals, as a church, and as a local and global community? These are some of the questions that guide and inform us in the ministry of outreach.

Outreach for January

Blessings in a Backpack

We provide our children with nutritious, kid-friendly, ready-to-eat food items each weekend. We are unsure of the child’s home situation, so we provide items that require minimal preparation and avoid the use of kitchen appliances such as a can opener. Collected food must be packaged in a sealed container or pouch with ingredients listed. Please inspect all food or any dents or damage and ensure that expiration dates are within 30 days.

Approved Menu Items

  • Individual cereal bowls/boxes
  • Cereal/Granola bars
  • Shelf-stable yogurt.
  • Fruit pouches or cups
  • Sunflower seeds, individual serving only
  • Meat sticks (i.e., Jack Links, Slim Jim) individual serving only
  • Individually packaged crackers (i.e., Cheez-Its,Goldfish, Crackers, Animal Crackers)
  • Raisins or craisin packets
  • Chef Boyardee (or generic brand) ready-to-eat pasta bowls (pop-top lids required)
  • Ready-to-eat soup (pop-top lids required)

Food Items to Avoid

  • Family size items, single serving preferred
  • Food items prepared at home (food items must be packaged in a sealed container by the manufacturer)
  • Due to allergies, avoid any products that contain peanuts.
  • Fresh produce items that bruise easily
  • Canned products. Pop-top lid or pouches preferred.
  • Items high in sodium (I.e., +100mg per package)
  • Perishable items
  • Candy, gum, or food of no nutritional value

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