We provide our children with nutritious, kid-friendly, ready-to-eat food items each weekend. We are unsure of the child’s home situation, so we provide items that require minimal preparation and avoid the use of kitchen appliances such as a can opener. Collected food must be packaged in a sealed container or pouch with ingredients listed. Please inspect all food or any dents or damage and ensure that expiration dates are within 30 days.
Approved Menu Items
- Individual cereal bowls/boxes
- Cereal/Granola bars
- Shelf-stable yogurt.
- Fruit pouches or cups
- Sunflower seeds, individual serving only
- Meat sticks (i.e., Jack Links, Slim Jim) individual serving only
- Individually packaged crackers (i.e., Cheez-Its,Goldfish, Crackers, Animal Crackers)
- Raisins or craisin packets
- Chef Boyardee (or generic brand) ready-to-eat pasta bowls (pop-top lids required)
- Ready-to-eat soup (pop-top lids required)
Food Items to Avoid
- Family size items, single serving preferred
- Food items prepared at home (food items must be packaged in a sealed container by the manufacturer)
- Due to allergies, avoid any products that contain peanuts.
- Fresh produce items that bruise easily
- Canned products. Pop-top lid or pouches preferred.
- Items high in sodium (I.e., +100mg per package)
- Perishable items
- Candy, gum, or food of no nutritional value